radKIDS Personal Empowerment & Safety Education
Fighting Spirit is pleased to offer the radKIDS Personal Empowerment Safety Education Program. radKIDS is the Nation’s leader in children’s safety education. It is a 10 hour family centered safety education program that emphasizes essential decision-making skills as well as physical resistance options to escape violence. Children as young as 5 years old participate in the program with their adult guardians/parents to create a true safety partnership. Topics in the program include, but are not limited to, out-and-about safety, home safety, vehicle safety, how to handle bullies, defense against abduction and good-bad-uncomfortable touch. These topics and more are presented in an activity-based format so the kids have a multi-sensory approach to learning and developing life skills.
The radKIDS are divided into two learning groups. The younger group is 5-7 years old and an older group that ranges from 8-12 years old. The student/teacher ratio is 10:1 to ensure a quality learning environment for students of all backgrounds. Programs run for 5 days which make it an ideal summer activity for kids out of school on break. The cost of the program is $75/student which covers their materials for class. Children who return to take the program can do so anywhere in the country FREE OF CHARGE until their 13th birthday. radKIDS is largely supported through community donations and individual funding which helps keep the cost of this valuable program affordable for families of varying incomes.
Call 734-459-4183 to learn more or visit the national website at radKIDS.org. You are already on your way to participating in the most comprehensive and life-changing children’s safety education program in the nation.
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